Best Places to Watch Fireworks at Disney World

There are a number of different Fireworks shows at Walt Disney World, some are seasonal and some last for the majority of the year. Read on to find the best places to view the fireworks shows that you want to see during your next WDW trip.

Magic Kingdom

There are a handful of fireworks shows at the Magic Kingdom at Disney World. The one that runs the majority of the time is Happily Ever After show, during the holiday season it is a bit different, and called Holiday Wishes. The best places to watch both of these is going to be the same.

In the section that is circled you will see lots of green areas directly across from the castle. They are blocked off by a fence. If you have children, this is an ideal spot for you. You can grab a seat up against the fence, get a snack and wait out until the fireworks start. I recommend getting a spot 45 – 60 minutes before the show. Cast Members will come along and ask people to fill in areas, but that is people that are spread out in between the fence and the hub. If you are up against the fence you won’t need to move. The only con to this, is that you may not see all of the projections, but you should be able to see most. I am 5’ 1” and I was able to see the majority of the castle projections, and all of the fireworks.

If you are willing to wait, or have kids that don’t have an issue with waiting, you can get to the Magic Kingdom 90 minutes before fireworks, and wait out a spot right in front of the castle. Again, cast members may ask visitors to fill in spots as they get closer to start time, so be prepared for that.

If you want a decent spot, but don’t want to wait, a dessert party may be the best option for you. There are dessert parties in two locations, and there is also the option for a before fireworks party and after fireworks party. While you still have to get to the Magic Kingdom at a certain time before the Fireworks, you have seating that you do not need to fight for.

The two other Fireworks shows at the Magic Kingdom are during the Halloween Party and Christmas Party, Happy Hallowishes and Holiday Wishes respectively, these fireworks are quite large and you don’t need to get up close to get a great viewing spot.

Hollywood Studios

There are two firework shows at Hollywood Studios currently. The Star Wars Spectacular is the one shown the majority of the year. The holiday fireworks show is called Jingle Bell, Jingle BAM!, however it is shown in the same spot as the Star Wars Spectacular, so the best viewing spot for both of these shows is the same.

I have circled the best spot to watch fireworks at Hollywood Studios in the map above. The fireworks shows happen atop the Chinese Theater, and there are projections on the theater itself. If you get to the location about 45-60 minutes prior to the show then you are probably in good shape. Directly across from the Chinese Theater are two tall cement pillars that house the projectors for the show. If you can snag a seat alongside one of these pillars, or on one of the adjacent walls, you’ll be in a prime viewing spot.

There is also the option for a dessert party option for both the Star Wars Spectacular and the Jingle Bell, Jingle BAM fireworks, however there have been some complaints that the viewing area is too close to the theater, so your view of the projections may be obstructed.


The fireworks show at Epcot is currently Illuminations, although that will be gone at the end of summer 2019, this advice is for that show while it is running.

The great thing about the Illuminations is that they take place on the lagoon, so most areas around the World Showcase are great viewing spots. There are two spots I would avoid. The first being the boat launch near Japan, as the overhang at the boat launch does obstruct some of your view. The second area to avoid is the Frozen Dessert Party area. If you don’t want to try the dessert party, make sure you don’t try and stake out a spot where they may ask you to leave. The dessert party patrons will be brought to the area between Mexico and the gift shop, Disney Traders, and this area will be roped off for just those guests.

What not to do

Now that we’ve discussed all the options for the best places to watch fireworks at Disney World, here are a few things you probably shouldn’t do. The first big problem at any fireworks show is putting your kids on your shoulders. I know that it is hard for kids to see the show, but by putting them on your shoulders you are impairing the view of many other guests at the fireworks show. Everyone is paying lots of money to be at the parks and see the shows, but a better option would be to hold your child next to you so they are at your eye level and not adding any more obstruction to the people behind you. If an un-obstructed view for your kids is the most important part of the fireworks show, then I would definitely recommend the dessert parties, at least for the Magic Kingdom.

The second piece of advice I have is to know yours and your groups limits. Do you have a child or adult that is very cranky and miserable? Is it worth it to stay out late and catch the fireworks? Or would you be better served to go back to your resort earlier and get a good nights sleep?

Wrapping up

As you can see there are plenty of ways to get great seats at fireworks shows if you have time or extra money, you just have to make sure that what you do, is right for you and your group. Have other Best Places to watch Fireworks at Disney World tips to share? Drop them in the comments below. Or, until next time have a magical trip!


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